Whilst we actively endorse and, wherever possible, adhere to the relevant Standards, we feel in this specific instance signs permitting smoking should under no circumstance be deemed as safe. In acknowledgement of the damaging affects of smoking, please note our range of signs utilises black to clearly differentiate these signs from Safe Condition signs.
Material Options Explained
Below is a more detailed description of the materials this particular safety sign is available in. Helping you decide which sign option is most suitable for your application.
1. Rigid Plastic: Lightweight, gloss white PVC with high impact strength. Suitable for both internal and external safety signs. Easily drilled for wall fixing.
- Brand: ISO Compliant
- Catalogue Page: 21
- Availability: In Stock
Available Options
Tags: 13248E, 13248K, Designated, Smoking, Area, Shelter, Rigid, Plastic,